I am feeling pretty stinkin good right now. All lazy in my comfy rocker with the computer on my lap. Drinking my (...oops... empty) coffee. Time to refill.
So, anyway, I'm enjoying this break. I decided that the most important thing to do is revitalize ME. Yesterday was the pamper me day. Which was fantastic as a friend stopped by and gave me the swift kick I needed to get moving. I have now had a fresh hair cut (first one in likely a year) and dyed it. I can deal with gray hair. I could not/should not deal with the line from the roots and the last dye job. And my ends were FRIED. Bad. And I didn't really care. Well, I cared, but not enough to go do anything about it.
It was so much more than hair.
I was able to find jeans that I like and that fit properly while I was out on Saturday. So new clothes added to the new 'do, makes my Trucker a pretty happy guy when he gets home from work. He came home to a smiling wife who DID NOT look like she just fell out of bed. I wonder if he feels like I don't care about him when I stop caring about me??
Now to attack this house. What a crappy way to spend the rest of my vacation. Cleaning. But three kids and not much help for a long time, will do that to ya. Once things are back in order, then...look out... No more Mrs. Nice Mommy.
I'm gonna need a vacation to recover from this vacation.
It's not a holiday, it's freekin Therapy.
I have been in a pretty big funk lately, (insert apology to those putting up with me here) but I am determined to get out of it. Orderly home, orderly mind? Well, it won't fix everything but it will help. And the donation centers are going to LOVE me by the weekend!
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